Answered By: Jeff Ridinger Last Updated: Oct 08, 2024 Views: 46
Looking for a streaming film to show in class or public performance rights to show a film at an extracurricular event? Milner Library provides support for streaming films and obtaining public performance rights. Please view the information below on the film request process.
The library has a large collection of streaming films on many subjects already licensed for viewing in ISU classrooms. View the FAQ on streaming videos you can play in your classroom to choose from Milner’s current films and determine what streaming platforms are available to use in your classroom. If Public Performance Rights are needed or you cannot find the desired film on the list, Milner Library can facilitate acquiring public performance rights and film licenses elsewhere. The copyright officer can also help determine if public performance rights are needed.
At the time of your request, we ask that you provide as much information as possible about the film and film showing, including the title of film, year of release, date of event, location of event, audience, etc. If you are unable to find the desired film on Milner’s platforms, please reach out to your subject librarian as we may be able to find the film on our secondary platforms or elsewhere. There is no guarantee that other film platforms will be able to acquire the film you are requesting, and please bear in mind the process could take longer with a new platform or vendor.
Once a request has been made, the library’s eResources Unit will process the request and further film questions can be routed to While we diligently pursue film licenses, ISU [Purchasing and Legal] and film vendors [all] reserve the right to reject license agreements. The minimum amount of time for Purchasing to approve a license is approximately 60 days but is often longer if negotiations are needed. Due to this backlog, Milner Library suggests putting in film requests as soon as possible, or within 60-90 days ahead of your event or showing. The eResources Unit will notify you of the status of the license negotiations as we receive updates. If you need a film in a shorter timeline, please consider choosing a film we have already licensed or can more easily obtain using the resources mentioned above. can be used for all discussions about your film request and the status of your film. All questions can be directed to that email address including questions regarding acquisition, licensing, and access. Due to the high cost for films, we do ask that you be selective in requesting films for students to use and limit your requests to only those that are required rather than optional. We ask that all requests for Kanopy films be put in by faculty when required for coursework. If you would like to review the license agreement before it gets sent to ISU Purchasing for review, please let us know. Please bear in mind this could delay the request process. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we process your request as diligently as possible.
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